Achilles Tendinopathy and Osteopathic Treatment

Achilles tendinopathy is a common overuse condition that affects the Achilles tendon. The Achilles tendon connects the calf muscle to your heel and is the largest tendon in the body. This tendon is crucial for walking, running, and jumping, making it susceptible to injury and inflammation.

Overuse and excessive chronic stress on the achilles tendon leads to changes in the tendon resulting in tendinopathy.

Causes of Achilles Tendinopathy

Common causes include:

  1. Overtraining or Overuse: Participating in activities that excessively load the tendon or those that involve repetitive motions. Including sports such as running, dancing, or jumping.

  2. Tight Calf Muscles: Poor mobility and flexibility in the calf muscles and a stiff ankle joint can increase stress on the Achilles tendon during movement.

  3. Sudden Increase in Activity: A sudden increase in physical activity levels or a change to higher intensity exercise can overload the tendon.

  4. Improper Footwear: Wearing shoes that lack proper support or cushioning can contribute to Achilles tendon strain.

Symptoms of Achilles Tendinitis

  • Pain and Stiffness: Pain localised over the achilles tendon or more specifically as it ataches to the heel bone. Pain that is worse first thing in the morning.

  • Thickening: The achilles tendon may feel thicker on one side compared to the other. Swelling of the Achilles tendon may be evident, however this is less common.

  • Tenderness: The tendon may feel tender to the touch or when pressing on it and after physical activity.

Osteopathic Approach to Treating Achilles Tendinopathy

At Tugun Osteopathy, our Osteopathic treatments are designed to address Achilles tendinopathy comprehensively, focusing on tissue recovery, rehabilitation and preventing recurrence:

  1. Manual Therapy: Gentle manipulation and soft tissue techniques help reduce inflammation, improve blood flow, and promote healing of the Achilles tendon. Manual Therapy may focus on reducing calf tension, improving ankle and lower limb mobility, improving load transfer through the leg and reducing the load on the achilles.

  2. Stretching and Strengthening Exercises: Individualised rehabilitation and mobility exercises are given to improve flexibility in the calf muscles and strengthen the surrounding muscles to support the tendon, as well as to reload the tendon to improve the tendon strength and recovery.

  3. Biomechanical Assessment: Evaluating gait and foot mechanics helps identify and correct any issues contributing to Achilles tendon strain and improve load transfer through the leg.

  4. Postural Education: Guidance on proper footwear, ergonomic practices, and gradual progression of activities helps prevent re-injury and supports long-term recovery.

Benefits of Osteopathic Care

Choosing osteopathic care at Tugun Osteopathy offers several advantages for individuals suffering from Achilles tendinopathy:

  • Natural Healing: Osteopathic treatments focus on natural, non-invasive techniques that promote the body's ability to heal itself.

  • Individualised Treatment: Our osteopaths tailor treatments to each patient's specific needs, ensuring effective and individualised care.

  • Preventative Measures: By addressing underlying biomechanical issues and promoting proper techniques, Oteopathy helps prevent future occurrences of Achilles tendinitis.

At Tugun Osteopathy, our experienced osteopaths are dedicated to providing personalised care that targets the cause of your Achilles issues. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.



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