Rib Sprains- What are they?

Rib sprains, also known as costovertebral joint sprain, is a painful condition involving the ligaments and joints connecting the ribs to the spine. This type of injury can result from repetitive overuse, sudden trauma to the area, or underlying neurological or musculoskeletal imbalances and/or inflammation.

Causes of Rib Pain and Costovertebral Joint Sprains

Rib sprains typically occur due to sudden impact or repetitive stress on the ribs and their connecting joints. Common causes include:

  1. Trauma: Direct impact to the ribs, such as from a fall, car accident, or sports injury.

  2. Repetitive Movements: Activities that involve repetitive twisting, bending, or lifting motions can strain the muscles and ligaments around the ribs. Repeated coughing after a period of being unwell can also irritate the costovertebral joints.

  3. Poor Posture.

  4. Overuse: Repetitive movements or movements that you are not used to can injure the costovertebral joints.

Symptoms of Rib and Costovertebral Joint Sprains

Common signs and symptoms include:

  • Pain: Sharp or dull pain around the injured rib area, exacerbated by movements such as breathing deeply, coughing, sneezing, laughing or twisting.

  • Tenderness: The affected area may be sensitive to touch or pressure.

  • Swelling and Bruising: Inflammation and bruising may be visible around the injured rib area in more severe cases.

  • Pain on one side of the back

  • Neck pain or headaches may also occur

Osteopathy for Treating Rib Injuries & Costovertebral Joint Sprains

At Tugun Osteopathy, our osteopathic treatments focus on reducing pain, improving mobility, and restoring function to the affected ribs and joints. Rib Pain treatment may include:

  1. Manual Therapy: Gentle manipulation and soft tissue techniques help alleviate pain and inflammation, restoring proper alignment and mobility to the ribs and spine. Articulation techniques help to improve mobility of the ribs, spine and thoracic cage. Through manual therapy we aim to decrease local muscle tension and any associated muscular spasms to help reduce pain and improve wellbeing.

  2. Therapeutic Exercises: Customised mobility exercises may be given to alleviate discomfort. Strengthen exercises may also be given to strengthen and activate muscles supporting the ribs, improve posture, and prevent future injuries.  We will proivde you with Effective Exercises for Rib Sprain Recovery.

  3. Postural Education: Guidance on ergonomic practices and modifications to daily activities help prevent aggravation of rib sprains and promote healing.

  4. Breathing Techniques: Teaching diaphragmatic breathing and relaxation techniques can help reduce muscle tension and promote healing of the injured ribs.

If you're experiencing pain or discomfort in your ribs or back that could be related to a rib sprain or costovertebral joint sprain, we are dedicated to providing you personalised care.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation on 0405 640 786.



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