Sever's Disease: A Guide for Parents and Young Athletes

If your child is experiencing heel pain, particularly if they're active in sports or involved in activities that put stress on their feet, they might be dealing with Sever's disease. This condition is a common cause of heel pain in growing children and adolescents.

What is Sever’s Disease?

Sever’s disease, also known as calcaneal apophysitis, is an inflammatory condition affecting the growth plate (apophysis) at the back of the heel bone (calcaneus). It typically occurs in children and adolescents during their growth spurts, particularly between the ages of 8 and 14. The condition is characterised by pain and tenderness at the heel, often exacerbated by physical activity.

Causes and Risk Factors

Sever’s disease is primarily caused by repetitive stress on the heel, especially during periods of rapid growth. Key factors contributing to this condition include:

- Repetitive Stress: Activities that involve running, jumping, or frequent impact on the heels, such as sports like soccer, basketball, or running, can put excessive strain on the heel.

- Growth Spurts: Children experiencing rapid growth may have a temporary imbalance between the length of the bones and the surrounding soft tissues, leading to increased stress on the heel.

- Foot Mechanics: Flat feet, high arches, or improper footwear can contribute to abnormal stress distribution and exacerbate heel pain.


Symptoms of Sever’s Disease

Common symptoms include:

- Heel Pain: Pain is typically localised at the back of the heel, often worsening with activity and improving with rest.

- Tenderness: The area around the heel may be tender to the touch.

- Swelling: Mild swelling around the heel may be present.

- Pain with Activity: Discomfort may increase during or after sports and physical activities.


Osteopathic Approach to Sever’s Disease


Osteopathy offers a wholistic approach to managing Sever’s disease, focusing on both alleviating symptoms and addressing contributing factors. Here’s how osteopathy can help:


1. Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment (OMT): Techniques such as soft tissue manipulation and myofascial release can help alleviate muscle tension and improve circulation around the heel. OMT can also address misalignments and biomechanical issues that contribute to heel pain and reduce tension in the Achilles tendon that may be further aggravating the pain.

2. Customised Exercise Programs: An osteopath can design a tailored exercise regimen to strengthen the muscles and tendons around the ankle and foot, improve flexibility, and correct muscle imbalances. Exercises may include stretching the Achilles tendon and strengthening the calf muscles.

3. Biomechanical Assessment: Evaluating your child’s gait, posture, and foot mechanics can identify any issues contributing to the condition. Recommendations may include adjustments to activity levels or modifications in footwear.

4. Activity and Lifestyle Modifications: Guidance on modifying activities, such as reducing high-impact sports or incorporating proper warm-up routines, can help reduce stress on the heel. An osteopath can also recommend appropriate footwear and orthotics if necessary.


Home Remedies and Self-Care Tips:

In addition to professional treatment, several self-care strategies can help manage Sever’s disease:

- Rest and Ice: Have a break from sport and allow your child to rest and apply ice to the affected heel for 15-20 minutes several times a day to reduce pain and swelling.

- Proper Footwear: Ensure your child wears supportive and well-cushioned shoes to reduce impact on the heel.

- Stretching Exercises: Incorporate stretching exercises for the Achilles tendon and calf muscles to improve flexibility and alleviate tension.


If your child’s heel pain persists despite home care or is accompanied by severe symptoms such as significant swelling or difficulty walking, it’s important to seek professional help. An osteopath can provide a comprehensive evaluation and develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your child’s needs.

Sever’s disease, while common among active children and adolescents, can be effectively managed with the right approach. By understanding the condition and exploring osteopathic treatments, you can help alleviate your child’s pain and support their recovery. If you have concerns about Sever’s disease or need guidance on managing your child’s symptoms, contact our clinic at 0405640786 for care and support.


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