Tennis Elbow: Causes, Symptoms, and Osteopathic Treatment

Tennis elbow, medically known as lateral epicondylitis, is a condition that causes pain and inflammation over the outer elbow. This condition often arises from overuse of the forearm muscles.

Despite its name, tennis elbow can affect anyone who performs repetitive arm motions and is only related to tennis in about 5% of cases.

Causes of Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow develops when the tendons in the forearm are overloaded, usually by repetitive motions of the wrist and arm. Common causes of tennis elbow include:

  1. Repetitive Activities: Activities such as computer use, heavy lifting, repetitibve vibration and forceful wrist rotation movements such as repetitive gripping and twisting motions.

  2. It is commonly seen in those who play squash, tennis, badminton, swimming and baseball. As well as those working desk bound jobs or electricians, carpenters or gardeners.

  3. Age: As people age, tendons can experience degenerative changes making them more prone to injury,

Symptoms of Tennis Elbow:

  • Pain: Pain and tenderness on the outside of the elbow, which may radiate down the forearm. Pain may occur immediately after an activity, a few hours after, during the activity or constant pain that prohibits activity.

  • Weakness: Difficulty gripping or lifting objects.

  • Stiffness: Stiffness in the elbow joint, particularly after periods of rest or in the morning.

Osteopathic Treatment for Tennis Elbow:

Our osteopathic treatments are designed to address tennis elbow comprehensively, through accurate diagnosis of elbow pain and focusing on pain relief and promoting healing:

  1. Hands on techniques are used aimed at improving upper limb biomechanics, elbow joint mobility and reducing local muscle tension.

  2. Often dry needling is incorporated into treatment to assist in healing of the tendon. Learn more about dry needling here.

  3. Load management techniques aimed to decrease the load on the tendon – this includes, taping, bracing and techniques to improve load transfer through the arm.

  4. Manual Therapy: Gentle manipulation and soft tissue techniques help reduce inflammation, improve blood flow, and promote healing of the affected tendons.

  5. Stretching and Strengthening Exercises: Customised exercises and stretches are prescribed to improve mobility and strengthen the muscles and tendons around the elbow. Effective tennis elbow rehabilitation will be given to our patients.

  6. Biomechanical Assessment: Evaluating posture, ergonomics, and movement patterns helps identify and correct contributing factors to tennis elbow.

  7. Education and Prevention: Guidance on proper technique, ergonomic practices, and Tennis Elbow Recovery Time and Tips. As well as Effective Tennis Elbow Therapy and Exercises will be provided.

If you are experiencing elbow pain and are yet to try Osteopathy reach out to use today to find out more or to book an appointment. Call us on 0405 640 786 or book online


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